Tamworth Pigs
Spending most of their time outdoors living their best lives - forget FARMER PHIL these guys are by far the biggest characters on the farm!!
In August 2021 we purchased 4 Tamworth weaners - “The Girls”
They spent the summer in the grounds of the castle (when they weren’t escaping) before coming out onto the lawn where many of you met them at our Pumpkin Patch.
So what’s a Tamworth?
A traditional outdoor breed, originating from their namesake in Tamworth, Staffordshire. They’re a hardy pig and known to be excellent mothers due to their docility and protectiveness. They thrive outdoors especially on grass pasture and their red-gold hair makes them stand out a mile off! They’re known for a great tasting meat with good texture.
Tamworths are much slower to mature than other commercial pig breeds. Therefore they build up great intramuscular fat which means marbling in the meat. The fat covering makes it ideal for curing and makes the tastiest crackling!
Our pigs go off to be cured in Carrigallen by O’Malley Butchers, House of Bacon. The rashers are dry cured and joints are wet cured. We’re left with a traditional rasher, thick fat with rind on for the tastiest flavour.